I have a love hate relationship with my scale. Ugh!!!! I can't stand him (hint, hint). Me and my co-workers decided to start losing weight the beginning of the year and pay a $1 for each pound gained. The pot is growing and growing, much like my hips..lol.
I walked on Saturday 5 miles at Stone Mountain park. Gained 2 pounds. Ridiculous. How do you exercise and gain weight??? It may have been the big breakfast before and after the walk, but I don't believe that. It's the scale in my bathroom. Each morning it taunts me and makes me get on, only to be disappointed with the numbers.
I have tried every diet known to woman and developed by man, and nothing works long term. This year is my 25th high school class reunion and I need to be at my finest when I meet my fellow classmates. My scale has other plans for me. We go back and forth like and old married couple, I try to lose the weight, he tells me I haven't lost a thang....again UGH!!!!
Some may say to just stay off the scale, but it's like my drug of choice. I need instant gratification after eating a healthy meal or exercising for at least 30 minutes. I know, that change doesn't come that quick, but tell that to my hips and thighs. I have also been told that muscle weighs more than fat....who the heck came up with that foolishness. Anywho, I can look like I weigh 1 lb to everyone, but if I get on the scale and it says I weigh 2 lbs, I will tend to believe the scale. Sad, scary, but true.
Help me!!! I need McDonald's to stop make the Filet o' fish and Lay's to stop making the plain potato chips ( I need a bag now) The potato like the scale is my friend and enemy!!!
As I am writing this, a co-worker just bought me a piece of cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory: 30th Anniversary Chocolate Cheesecake to be exact. Gonna enough the heck out of it and think about the scale later.
Why me, why not??
LOL!!!...Apparently it hates me too...I think my problem is I eat just to eat...or because it looks good...that's the worst...lol!!..I have got to learn the key to discipline...why don't I have any??